It’s hard to give advice on which piano teacher is right for you. Piano lessons are one of the few subjects taught on a one-to-one basis and although a teacher may have great qualifications you need to be able to get along with them. Some students will make more progress with a teacher who has a more strict style of teaching, some students may get on with a more relaxed teacher with a less formal approach. Don’t be afraid to try several teachers before settling on the one who is right for the student. I often hear adults saying that they gave up the piano because they didn’t get on with the teacher.  This choice is no reflection on the teacher and no good teacher wants to waste their time on students who are not enjoying the lessons. Below is a list of piano teachers. These are not endorsements but, are for your guidance.

Piano Teachers

Please remember, its very important that your piano is tuned and maintained regularly. If you are going to invest your time and money in piano lessons your piano must be in good order. It is very discouraging for a new student if some notes don’t work or sound badly out of tune.

Teachers NamePhone NumberE-mail AddressLocationLessons
Mrs S. Hazle01323 894953N/ASeafordPiano, Singing
Mr S. Casciano01342 313695N/AEast GrinsteadPiano
Mrs Cheeseman01293
Laura Skuce L.R.A.M.07812 606961N/A/HorshamPiano
Fiona Campbell01342 714700N/A/CopthornePiano, Singing
Mary Wells01273 494429N/AHenfieldPiano
Sidonie Winter07973, Singing
Jo Weller07719 419484jo.weller2@btinternet.comHaywards HeathPiano

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If you have a question about your piano and you think I can help, please  drop me a line.